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In-house kick-off event for „New Study“ at DHBW Stuttgart

During the second week of May, the first course of the new Bachelor programme „New Study Informatik“ – a 6-semester digital study programme in English – came together at DHBW Stuttgart’s School of Engineering.

Being a student in the „New Study Informatik“ programme is quite a unique experience at DHBW. Why is that? The new Bachelor programme which started last semester is taught mostly online and in English. It integrates practical experience with a Dual Partner company. There are in-house kick-off Events at DHBW Stuttgart and DHBW Mosbach.

The new format has several challenges in terms of the organization but also means huge advantages for the students. New groups of potential students who haven‘t matched dual study profile so far are now attracted to the English and online version for different reasons, like being able to combine it with mobility, location, health, family or other social obligations. Concerning the organization „New Study“ goes beyond any routine: Digitalization, bilingual documents and working across campuses at DHBW is quite a challenge as a pioneer in all of these aspects.

A teacher states: „I'm really excited about our new online Computer Science programme at DHBW! This programme allows students from all over the world to come together and learn from each other. It's such a great opportunity for anyone interested in computer science to get a global education, no matter where they're from.“