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Ausschreibungen / Calls for Application

The BWS plus Project Network Nursing and Healthcare student exchange program provides participants with a short-term scholarship to facilitate practice training and study at our cooperating partner institutions and their partners.

Hinweis zur aktuellen Lage

Sehr geehrte Studierende und Interessierte,

Corona-bedingt ist die Planung und Durchführung von Studierendenmobilität derzeit stark eingeschränkt. Bei Fragen und für weiterführende Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. med. Marion Daun (

Besuchen Sie uns bald wieder. Aktuelle Informationen zum Projekt und zum Austausch mit unseren finnischen Projektpartnern finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

Information about the current situation

Due to the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, our international exchange program has been paused until further notice. Nevertheless, we are in constant contact with our partners in Finland and will keep you informed through our website. For further information, please contact Antje Hackemann.

How to apply

Students wishing to participate in the BWS plus Network Nursing and Healthcare student exchange program can apply by submitting the required application forms and requested documents to their local project coordinator.

For detailed information regarding the student exchange program, please contact the program manager at the DHBW Stuttgart or the project coordinators at Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Exchange students from Finland might want to browse the pages of the DHBW Stuttgart International Office.